Saturday, September 13, 2014

Blog Post 1: The Good That Can Go Unnoticed

Blog Post 1: The Good That Can Go Unnoticed

As I learn more and more about companies and their mission statements, I am becoming fascinated with the business plan aspect I once hardly ever thought about; Social Responsibility.

First off, a general definition of Social Responsibility is basically that organizations have an obligation to be aware of their impact on the society and world around them, and should strive to act in a way that benefits both.

An article from Business News Daily titled, What is Corporate Social Responsibility? further explains the concept.

For many of you, a handful of companies might come to mind. For me, the first company that pops into my head is Toms Shoes. If you aren’t familiar with Toms Shoes, it is a company that began in 2006 giving a pair of shoes to a child in need for each pair of shoes sold. The company has since expanded and now does the same thing (One for One) with eyeglasses and apparel. Not only is the company incredibly giving but their products are also made from organic and recycled materials.  I encourage you to check out the entirety of their socially responsible commitment on their website.

Another company that may come to mind is Ben & Jerry’s. Ben & Jerry’s in an extremely socially responsible company. From working towards eliminating GMO’s to annually reducing their carbon footprint, Ben & Jerry’s is very well known for the quality of their products. The ingredients they use are all Fairtrade, meaning the farmers they buy from are given a fair price. Ben & Jerry’s is always adapting and improving their methods of social responsibility.

To stay up to date or to learn more about Ben & Jerry’s visit:

A company that probably doesn’t come to mind but is still worth discussing is General Electric. GE, like other companies, acts socially responsible in a variety of ways. One issue they are concerned with is how many refrigerators and other appliances end up in landfills each year. The company has created a recycling program to try to eliminate that waste. Another area in which they take notice and are trying to play a part in is healthcare around the globe. The company makes donations and works with existing programs in other countries.  Other concerns for GE include using cleaner forms of energy and being aware of the welfare of their supplier’s employees.
GE’s website link:

Through these companies and their actions I have pointed out, it is easy to see that social responsibility is a broad term, in the sense that, companies can be socially responsible in many different ways. Below are 4 reasons I think being Socially Responsible is important.

1.  Customer’s Respect: When a company is socially responsible, customers are going to admire them and want to show off their products. For example, buying a pair of Toms and knowing a child got a pair too makes people feel good about their purchase.

2.  One Step Above Competitor: Similar to reason 1, Social Responsibility places your company one step higher than competitors. Knowing your money is benefitting people who need or deserve it adds to the value of your purchase. In the food industry, consumers are faced with many options of which company products to buy. When they are aware of things such as where the ingredients came from, they oftentimes support the more socially responsible brands.

3.  Proud Employees: People who work for socially responsible companies are proud of that. They talk about the ways their company cares for people and the environment. Not only are they proud, they are also happy. Wouldn’t you rather work for a company that puts money into becoming more sustainable and fair to all parties involved in the production of their products?

4.  Better Life for All: When a company cares about the environment and strives to take care of it, life improves for everyone. As advertised in many ways, we only have one Earth and we need to take care of it.

Thanks for reading!

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